Mosquito Control - Jena, LA

Jena Municipal Office

Mosquitos need water to breed
By removing water holding containers, leaf debris & keeping low-lying areas free of standing water, you can prevent the breeding of mosquitos around your home.

Dump anything that holds water twice per week. Birdbaths, non-chlorinated wading pools, garbage can lids, and pottery will all attract breeding mosquitoes. Remember to empty the saucers under your flower pots, and don't leave water in pet bowls without washing for more than two days.

Images of Mosquito Larvae:
Man-Made Habitats
  • Coke Tops: Filled with rain water. Any small object that holds water can be a breeding habitat.
  • Toys: (wagon, bucket, pool, dump trucks etc..) Put these in storage or keep them dry out of the rain.
  • Flower Pots or a saucer under your flower pot: Be sure to empty the saucer or fill them with sand or tiny gravel.
  • Wheelbarrow or Buckets: Place these in storage or turn containers upside down whenever possible.
  • Pet Dishes: Make sure the water is changed every two days.
  • Bird Bath: This is a big source of mosquito problems that most people overlook. Because it's often in the sun, and it's a shallow source of water, the water is warmed, and it actually encourages mosquitoes to grow faster! Wash it out with your hose every couple days or keep the water flowing with a pump.
  • Old tires: This is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos. Aedes Albopictus was transported from Japan to the United States through the tires of imported vehicles. Get rid of abandoned tires. If for some reason you feel the need to keep them, drill some holes into them so they can drain, and keep them in a place where they'll stay dry. The Aedes Albopicuts will bite during the day and night.
  • Swimming Pools, Wading Pools & Fish Ponds: Keep the water in the swimming pool clean and chlorinated. Drain small pools when not in use. Stock the fish pond with fish that will eat mosquito larvae and make sure you remove excess vegetation, as that can provide a stable place for mosquitoes to breed.
  • Leaky Faucets: It doesn't take much water to support the breeding of mosquitoes, and sometimes the leak can provide that amount of water.
  • Tarp, Canopy or Plastic Canvas: There are sometimes dips in the tarps that can trap stagnant water.
Natural Habitats
  • Treeholes, Abandoned Tires & Leaf Clogged Gutters:
    Aedes triseriatus Common Name (Tree Hole Mosquito) makes its home in areas where it can locate temporary pools of stagnant water, such as tree holes, abandoned tires, or leaf clogged gutters. It favors pools which contain leaf debris and other organic material to provide food for its larvae. The Aedes triseriatus mosquito will bite during the day, especially in shady areas or in indoor artificial light. While most mosquitos bite around sunset.
  • Grass & Shrubs: During the day, mosquitoes like to rest in tall grass or among shrubs in a moist, shady spot. Keeping the grass short deprives them of a resting place. Also, rake up any fallen leaves. An overturned leaf can hold enough water for a mosquito's eggs, and also give them a place to wait out the day.
  • Low-Lying Areas, Ditches, Drains: These depressions can hold water after a rain or when the lawn is watered. Without proper drainage, the water will stay for days, allowing mosquitoes a chance to breed. Make sure your drains or not clogged. Add dirt and sod, or install a drainage system to low lying area holding water. Dig out clogged ditches holding stagnant water.

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